To My Dad

My dad is a boss.  Seriously, when it comes to being a man, my dad wins.  What I’m trying to say is that my dad can beat up your dad.

Now that we have that out of the way, I wanted to share a few thoughts on what my dad has taught me about life and manhood.


My parents sort of took the unconventional approach to 30+ years of wedded bliss.  Usually, couples who get pregnant in high school and are forced to marry don’t make it 3 years let alone 30.  When my mom got pregnant my dad dropped out of school and went to work for his hard driving grandfather in his water well drilling business.   Not only did my dad stay committed to my mom through those rocky years but he has stayed in that business for just as long.  Now he owns it.  My dad taught me to commit to what is important.  You don’t quit on a job, you don’t quit on your sports team, and you don’t quit on your marriage.  I told you he is a boss.

2.       DO IT RIGHT

Not only is my dad the hardest worker I know but he’s also the most accurate worker I know.  He’s a perfectionist who does something right the first time or he doesn’t even mess with it.  If he gets into a hobby you can expect him to be awesome at it in short order.  For example, he decided to make my mom garden boxes this year and although he’s never made one in his life, they look better than anything you could buy at Home Depot.

I couldn’t be more different from my dad in this way.  The first time around, I suck.  Always.  But, his perfectionism has shaped me.  My dad has always pushed me to be excellent and organized.   I sincerely believe that his influence has made me a better man.


My dad is a man of passion.  He goes full-bore at whatever he attempts.  One of the great things about growing up in his family is that I got to tag along on his crazy adventures.  When he was into drag racing, we took our mullets to the race track.  drag racing

When he was into karate, he taught me how to spar.  When he was into hunting, he left me in the woods for a week.  OK, I didn’t love that.  But, he did introduce me to one of my life’s passions—beach volleyball.  He would take me along with him to the beach 3 times a week and even built a killer beach court in our backyard.  It was the 80s so it had hot pink poles and neon yellow court lines.  This is when I became popular.

Here’s a lesson for young fathers:  Whatever you’re into, just bring your kids along.  They just want to be with you and they might pick up a passion along the way.


My dad has always been great about serving.  When I was in high school, he was hands down the best volunteer youth group leader ever.  He was that guy that all the students loved.

When it comes to money, my dad is generous.  He taught me from a young age that you give back to the church and live within your means.

My dad has also become a legendary well driller.  He’s truly a master of his field.  You’d never know it though.  He’s quiet and unassuming.  If I were him, I’d start a blog about well drilling and constantly talk about how awesome I am.  But that’s not him.

Instead of making a big deal about himself he serves.  Instead of taking his talents to south beach, he takes them to Africa and quietly resources Nigerian well drillers.  He equips and resources Nigerian well drillers to do great work and lets them have the spotlight.  You can check out this ministry here.

In short, my dad is an amazing man.  He’s taught me so much that I’ll still be sorting out how he’s shaped and influenced me for years to come.  Happy Father’s Day Dad!

Aaron Buer

Author: Aaron Buer

A little about me: I’ve been a student pastor for 12 years and currently serve as the student ministries pastor at Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. Ada Bible is a multi-site church of about 9,000. Most of my time is devoted to leading my amazing team, writing curriculum, teaching, and trying to navigate the challenges of multi-site church. I absolutely love my job and the people I am blessed to serve with. I’m primarily a family guy. My wife and I have five incredibly awesome and unique kids. Most of my free time is devoted to them. When I can find time for me, I love beach volleyball, writing, fishing, video games or a good book.