Shower Office

I’ve decided to move my office into my shower.  No seriously.  After conducting tens of hours of rigorous scientific research, I have realized that 9 out of 10 of my genius ideas occur to me in the shower.  There must be something about the humidity and the water.  So, I’m moving my office to my shower.  I’m still working on the issues of waterproofing my laptop.  I’m sorry if this image causes you to be a little sick but I assure you this is for the best.

Ok. Actually, after thinking about it a bit longer, I’m realizing that creative ideas spring upon me in other places–like when I’m forced to walk long distances, when my phone is dead, when I have to drive alone without music, that one time I went for a run, and when I’m trapped in elevators.  So, after a bit more thought, maybe it isn’t actually my shower that is a conductor for creative energy…maybe it is quiet, a lack of structure and maybe even boredom.

I’ve come to realize that for me, creative energy requires certain conditions in order to be released.  When I am rushed, hurried and frantic, creative ideas and innovative schemes seem to dry up.  Maybe creative energy needs space.  Stop.  Listen.  Be patient.  Turn down the noise.

My suspicion is I’m not alone in this.  Whether you are an engineer, an artist or a stay at home mom, creativity and innovation propel all of us toward greatness.  We all need ideas.  Ideas unlock the places where we are stuck.   I’m discovering that there is a way to structure our frantic lives for creativity and innovation.  It probably involves letting your phone run dead, walking instead of driving, or carving out space for a longer shower.

All this is so counter-intuitive.  We believe that running fast, busyness and long hours are what make us productive.  Admittedly, this is partially true.  However, without space for quiet–for curiosity, wonder and undistracted thought, the ideas, innovation and creativity will dry up.  Perhaps our daily schedules need blocks of running fast interspersed with blocks of locking ourselves in a closet.

The world needs your creativity.  We need your ideas.  Do us all a favor and create some dead space.  Be bored.  Take your time.  Power it down.  Let’s generate creative thoughts and fresh ideas.  I bet our lives, families, offices, schools and churches will be better for it.


image credited to r. nial bradshaw via Flickr



Defining the Win

Lately, our student ministry team has been redefining our wins.  Also, we’ve been reading through 7 Practices of Effective Ministry.  Basically, we’re kind of obsessed.  It’s been a great exercise for me and my team.  Here’s what we’ve come up for the ultimate win in our student ministry:  We win when a student is still following Jesus at age 25.  Yeah, that’s right.  It’s an intimidating goal.  A little about the wording…

  • We decided that what really matters is that our students are still pursuing Jesus and still connected to a church long after they leave our student ministry.
  • We chose the word “follow” because we’re not just after belief.  We’re after discipleship.
  • We chose the word “still” because we want kids and students to develop faith in our family ministry…not after.
  • We chose the number 25 because most 25 year olds are done with or finishing up college and yet, 25 is typically before children.  In other words, we want to fight against the trend of emerging adults putting their faith on the shelf in college and not reengaging it until it’s time to take their kids to church.

Obviously, this win is a lot harder to attain or measure than the typical win:  “leading students into a relationship with Jesus.”  Sure, this is part of what we want but it doesn’t speak to life-long faith, which is what we are really after.

In the process of redefining our win, we’ve been wrestling with the “how.”  I’m confident that our win is correct, but how exactly do you get there?  This is the part that I could be wrong about.  Also, we haven’t wordsmithed any of this yet.  I’m open to your ideas and your feedback, but here’s a rough cut of what I’m thinking:



I think the foundation is connection to a Jesus community.  In other words, attendance matters.  Belonging to the community matters.  By all of this, I mean participation in your student ministry, but also connection to the congregation as a whole.  FYI has repeatedly shown that students who are inter-generationally connected to their church have a much better shot at healthy faith as adults.

So, what’s the first step?  Get students connected to your student ministry…and don’t you dare be a silo!  Get them connected to the rest of the congregation as well.



I’ve come to believe that this strategy is the cornerstone.  The three other pieces are important but this one is absolutely crucial.  Kids and students need a guide.  They need a mentor to show them what it looks like to follow Jesus.  A caring adult who is willing to walk with a group of students over the long-haul is the secret sauce of life-long faith.  Over and over again, I have seen how a great spiritual mentor can be a game-changer.

This is why small groups are a must and investing in volunteers is crucial.  We don’t need chaperones.  We need spiritual mentors.



The third piece is a growing personal faith.  Students who develop their own spiritual habits (or disciplines) are much more likely to continue pursuing Jesus in life after your student ministry.  In other words, it’s imperative that students begin to engage Jesus in their own world.  If their faith only exists at church, then we have a problem.  We must find ways for them to integrate their faith.  This is difficult because developmentally, students will naturally compartmentalize.  But, if we’re serious about promoting life-long faith, we must find ways to break down the walls of compartmentalized faith by helping kids bring their faith home and to school.



For years, the word that has defined our high school ministry’s strategy has been “Express.”  We desire for our students to begin expressing their faith.  This shows us that it is no longer their mom’s faith but their faith.  When students step out and express their faith through service and leadership, we know we are on the right track  However, we’ve learned that experience is often needed before expression.  That’s why we focus a great deal on mission trips, serving in our children’s ministry and serving roles at our summer camp.  And of course, because we desire inter-generational connections, we don’t have a student leadership team.  We want our middle school and high school students to serve alongside adults in church wide ministries because then they will develop relationships with other generations.

Lastly, students want to serve and lead now.  Don’t leave them on the sidelines!  First off, this practice is hurting the faith of students all across the country.  If they have to wait to practice their faith, they are far more likely to put their faith on the shelf.  Secondly, students are full of passion, energy and ideas.  Put them in coach!  It’s no coincidence that most of the world’s faith revivals have begun with students.


So, we win in our student ministry when students are still following Jesus at age 25 and these four strategies are our pathway to getting there.  What’s your win?  What’s your path to winning?  And…let me know if you have any genius wordsmithing ideas.


image credited to Erika via Flickr

Why You Must Invest in Fun

Something I’ve learned from my friends at Orange is that fun matters.  I used to think that fun was important because it could be used as a sort of on-ramp to the parts of student ministry that really matter.  In other words, if students have fun at our events, maybe they’ll want to go a little deeper with their faith.  But, I’ve changed my opinion about fun.  Fun isn’t important because it attracts students.  Fun is important because it connects students.  Reggie Joiner often says that fun matters because fun, over time, makes a friendship go deeper.  When we have fun with students, students realize that we actually like them.

To me, what matters most in student ministry is the relationship between a student and an adult mentor (usually a small group leader).  Every kid deserves an adult in their life who shows up consistently simply because they care.  Every kid deserves an adult who will listen.  Every kid needs an adult who will act as a guide–to show them what it looks like to follow Jesus.

What I’ve discovered is that fun accelerates this process.  The mentor/student relationship is built upon trust and friendship.  Fun together is like oxygen to this fire.  Laughter is even better.  This is why we invest an incredible amount of time and resources in having fun.  To an outsider, this may appear to be a poor investment, but we have learned that investing in fun is investing in the student/mentor relationship and the truth is, when it comes to student ministry, there is nothing more worthy of investment than this relationship.

And so, fun matters.  Fun over time makes connections.  Fun over time makes a friendship grow deeper.  Which is why we make ridiculous videos like this one…so that students and adults can laugh together.

Toddler Justice from Lifeline Student Ministries on Vimeo.


If these ideas struck a chord with you, it’s probably time for you to come along with me to the Orange Tour or the Orange Conference.  You may just find your people.


image credited to JD Hancock via Flickr