Don’t Forget to Say Thank-You!

In most churches there is a simmering conflict brewing beneath the surface.  At any time, this cold war could turn hot.  I’m talking about a conflict between two opposing factions.  One faction seeks to keep the church building clean, orderly and safe.  The other seeks to destroy the building at every opportunity.  No, this isn’t some Frank Peretti novel.  I’m talking about student ministry vs. facilities.

Hey, it’s not like we purposely destroy chairs, stain the carpet and shatter light bulbs in the ceiling.  These things just happen because when you bring 100s of students into your church buildings every week chaos unfolds like a stampede of wildebeests.  Coincidentally, the church building may also smell like a herd of wildebeests after a middle school event.  Sorry about that.

OK.  In all seriousness, our student ministry accumulated several pages worth of infractions this year because students sometimes do crazy things.  We do our very best (and I’m sure you do too) to follow the policies and procedures, clean up after ourselves and work together with facilities, event planning, security and production but occasionally we forget important details, break stuff, mess up and sometimes there are massive spills. This is ministry.

The truth is that we LOVE the people that serve us and help make our student ministry great.  We never want to take them for granted and you shouldn’t either!  Let’s be real, they put up with a lot and without their help we’d be dead.

A few days ago, our Family Ministries team threw a breakfast for all the different staff teams that support us.  We had tons of great food, played a hilarious Kahoot game, gave a nice thank-you speech and showed this video.  It’s hilarious.

Family Ministries Thank You from LifeLine Student Ministries on Vimeo.

To all those who support our ministry through their work at the church.  Thanks so much!  We appreciate all of you.

God Loves You Too Much To Leave You Where You Are

This past weekend we polished off our Selfie Series which is was all about identity.  I’ll post all the graphics, bumper video and teaching scripts soon if you feel like stealing them.


Here’s the video teaching we used in our houses during this series.  It ended up being one of my favorites of the year.

Selfie: Baby Habits from LifeLine Student Ministries on Vimeo.

What have you taught lately that has been awesome?  I’d love to hear about it.

New Lifeline Video: Social Media in Real Life

Our student ministry is currently in a teaching series called Selfie.

Selfie_TitleIt’s all about identity–who we are and how we think about ourselves.  For imagery, we’ve focused on social media.  It’s been fun and at times hilarious.  Here’s a video our team made about how we would look if we acted like we do on social media in real life.  I love the Facebook feed part…gets me every time.  Enjoy!


Social Media In Real Life from LifeLine Student Ministries on Vimeo.

My Body is My Value

Elisa Talmage absolutely rocked this teaching.  Among other things, she did a great job describing how ridiculous it is that we compare ourselves to models on  magazine covers.  I’ll probably make my daughters watch this video tomorrow.

Awkward: Lies About Sexuality – Body Image from LifeLine Student Ministries on Vimeo.

Snow Camp Recap

A few weekends ago was our snow camp.  We took 11 charter buses to Timberwolf Lake Camp.  Our staff and volunteers pulled together to put on an amazing camp.  I’m very proud of the Lifeline team.  Here are some highlights.

Snow Camp 2014 RECAP from LifeLine Student Ministries on Vimeo.


We themed our camp around the Olympics and it was pretty awesome.  Here’s one of your hosts, “Rob Costas.”

Rob Costas


And here’s our torch relay video…

Snow Camp Intro | Torch Relay from LifeLine Student Ministries on Vimeo.