What I’ve Been Reading

I’ve read some great stuff over the last few weeks.  Here are a few blog posts that I really liked…

Grand Theft Auto 5 made $1 billion dollars in three days.  Half the universe is playing this game.  Wanna know what it’s all about?  A couple youth workers played it for a few minutes in order to review it for a parent resource website.  Warning, it review is NOT for the faint of heart.



A friend recommended this post to me in response to a piece I wrote about guys not leading girls in our culture.  It’s pretty strong.  I’d love to know what you think:



This post on teaching middle school students is fantastic.  If you teach students you should definitely check it out:



I already posted about Malcolm Gladwell’s new book David and Goliath.  Here’s the post if you missed it.  In his book he argues that being a big fish in a little pond is better than being a little fish in a big pond and how that relates to choosing the right college.  Here’s an article about this concept.


And, if you missed it, here’s an interview with Gladwell about how writing this book drew him back into faith.



I’m halfway through this book and loving it.  Bill Bryson is one of my favorite authors.  If you haven’t read him you need to get on it.  For real.  Go get one of his books right now…

Aaron Buer

Author: Aaron Buer

A little about me: I’ve been a student pastor for 12 years and currently serve as the student ministries pastor at Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. Ada Bible is a multi-site church of about 9,000. Most of my time is devoted to leading my amazing team, writing curriculum, teaching, and trying to navigate the challenges of multi-site church. I absolutely love my job and the people I am blessed to serve with. I’m primarily a family guy. My wife and I have five incredibly awesome and unique kids. Most of my free time is devoted to them. When I can find time for me, I love beach volleyball, writing, fishing, video games or a good book.