What I’ve Been Reading

It’s been a while since I posted about what I’ve been reading so here we go…


Its-Just-a-PhaseI’m in the middle of this right now and love it!  If you are a parent, student or children’s worker or volunteer, or a teacher this book is perfect.  It provides a framework and a language for the stages that kids progress through as they develop and grow.  Best of all, it provides a strategy for kids and children’s ministry leaders as well as great ideas for parents.  I highly recommend this book!


513F52vnKLL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Confession:  I am a history nerd.  Because of this, I really enjoyed this book.  It’s entertaining and I learned a ton.  A general rule of thumb is that if you like history, you’ll like every one of David McCullough’s books.

A co-worker recommended this book to me and somehow, even though I read a ton of classic literature, I hadn’t yet read it.  It is very compelling and a little dark–which in my opinion, often makes for a good book.

9780804140416_p0_v5_s260x420As we were closing out our ministry season in May, life was busy and stressful.  I needed something light and this book came through.  It is hilarious!  I also recommend Gaffigan’s other book, Dad is Fat.

51nUjnGZGoL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_I thought this book was great, especially in relation to the question of how followers of Jesus should share the Gospel in our culture.

5191tfUj2VL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Ugh…I miss Dallas Willard.  I mean, I didn’t know him or anything, but his voice will be deeply missed.  This book was finished and published by his daughter, based on sermons, manuscripts and previous drafts.  It’s a great read.